The average house price on MILCOMBE CLOSE is £385,657
The most expensive house in the street is 4 MILCOMBE CLOSE with an estimated value of £542,007
The cheapest house in the street is GARAGE 5 MILCOMBE CLOSE with an estimated value of £24,969
The house which was most recently sold was GARAGE 5 MILCOMBE CLOSE, this sold on 13 Jul 2018 for £20,000
The postcode for MILCOMBE CLOSE is GU21 3HZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 MILCOMBE CLOSE Detached , 59 m2 £434,769 £110,000 29 Feb 2000
2 MILCOMBE CLOSE Semi-Detached £389,062 £245,000 30 Jul 2007
4 MILCOMBE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 88 m2 £542,007 £147,000 27 Oct 2000
5 MILCOMBE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 75 m2 £419,379 £130,000 30 Nov 2001
6 MILCOMBE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 53 m2 £442,516 £350,000 19 Jan 2018
12 MILCOMBE CLOSE Terraced , 37 m2 £446,897 £350,000 22 Sep 2017
GARAGE 5 MILCOMBE CLOSE £24,969 £20,000 13 Jul 2018